Why Avoid Automated Blogging? On the internet, the current trend that you will analyze in the market regarding websites is mostly related to “How to get an SEO ranking fast?” or “How my website will grow overnight?” But honestly, the professionals know that getting an instant result is like daydreaming. And for some people, they have chosen to make this their profession. Let me clear that first that as a company itself. We are not pointing the ways but just proving the right way to the youth.
Where people have started following growing their website with Black Hat and Grey Hat to gain SEO ranking. On the other side blogging has turned its way since ages to “Auto Blogging”. This trend has survived since the 2000s but actually, it doesn’t work for all the topics that need to be covered in different areas.

What is an RSS feed?
It stands for Really Simple Syndication. This means it gets feeds from a website which simplifies the process of sharing and indication. Whenever new content is uploaded the subscriber will get notified. And like this, they don’t have to visit a particular website multiple times for an update.
The RSS is not user-friendly as it is specifically designed for programs. It even stores the feeds for you in an organized manner which you can upload or use later whenever you want. The Feedly, the Old Reader, NewsBlur, feed demons are some of the most popular readers to choose from.
What is automated blogging?
A website that generates the content related to any topic using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed on the third party website is termed auto-blogging. In this process, all you need to do is to select the type of resource and schedule it. Not only that there are an ample amount of tools, software, plugins, and more that will help you to do everything that will take hours of research and time practically but will be done within few minutes effortlessly.
Not only is that on WordPress also one of the platforms that support auto-blogging. So, Why to avoid automated blogging? Here are few reasons why:

1. Generation of duplicate content: This is very obvious that your posts are getting generated from the software which works to select the desired post from some other website. This means the content that you are providing is not subjected to you and this can cause serious issues. Google can block your website for such reasons.
2. The unauthentic data: You are very aware of the fact that over years every theory, every statement is changed. Also sometimes unknowingly you may provide content that is dated back to a certain time which results in false information and this can get your website a bad name.
3. It’s stealing: Now to how many websites you will knock at and ask for their support and in that as well this process will go both ways. So what you are doing is creating a loop from website to website. And then that website with others which will create a mess. The repetition of the same content will be generated excessively. And this can cause a bad reputation for your product, your brand, and whatnot.
Apart from all these reasons here is a question “Why be a blogger if you don’t want to blog?” Blogging is a free way of expressing your ideas, research work, and suggestions. It should be used correctly otherwise everyone will be a blogger and none will know what they have written about. There is no wonder that we live in an era where everything goes faster in pace and everyone depends on technology to make their lives easy. But you should always remember that content can be generated and organized but you as a blogger will write will always be unique and appreciated.
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